Imagine the chance to get away from the day-to-day responsibilities of your business and enjoy refreshment for your soul and fresh vision for your business in an uplifting and inspiring atmosphere.

Welcome, friend. There are no retreats scheduled at this time.

Click below to learn more about what I have to offer Christian women leaders and entrepreneurs at this time.

Imagine the chance to get away from the day-to-day responsibilities of your business and enjoy refreshment for your soul and fresh vision for your business in an uplifting and inspiring atmosphere.

You’re invited to join us for the

upLIFT Mastermind Retreat

September 22-25, 2022

Lincolnville, Maine

Hey there, I’m Esther Littlefield, Digital Marketing Expert, Podcaster, and Speaker

I’m also the host for this incredible retreat. And I’m guessing that if you’re considering attending a retreat I’m hosting, you might want to know a bit about me.

I’ve been in the online business space for over 7 years, and before that had 10+ years in sales. From service provider to coaching to courses and memberships–I’ve done it all! Plus, I've supported other online businesses in both operations and marketing as they grew from 5 to 6 and 7 figures.

With my unique combination of experience, training (Certified Master Marketer + Certified Director of Operations), and strategic mind, I’m able to bring an objective, birds-eye view to your online business and support you in creating a customized plan for alignment and growth.

Unlike other coaches, you won’t find me giving you cookie cutter answers or the exact same marketing plan as the next gal. I know your gifts and goals are unique, and therefore your business plan and marketing approach should be, too

Outside of serving the amazing women in my community, I love a big cup of strong coffee (black with one sugar please), hiking in the woods or on the coast of Maine, and taking a roadtrip to see my favorite band, Switchfoot. I live in Tennessee with my husband, teenage daughter, and our golden retriever and 2 cats. 

Want to keep up with what I'm up to?

Meet Your Uplift & Inspire Retreat Team


Our Host, Esther Littlefield

Esther is a business coach & marketing strategist for Christian women building a business online. She has a passion for helping women like you embrace their gifts and lead with confidence in all areas of your life. Esther has been involved leading trips, small groups, and retreats for the past 20 years, and she knows first-hand the power of a shared experience like this retreat.

Esther values excellence, communication, and community, and she believes every person has a story to tell. At our mastermind retreat, Esther will provide you with time to unwind and relax, grow and develop, as well as be inspired for the future. Most importantly, she seeks God for the planning of the retreat and trusts Him to do the work He has already prepared for you.


Our Chef, Angela Sackett

Angela Sackett is a wife, momma, home educator, speaker, author and photographer (and her house is perpetually in need of a good dusting!). She is the voice behind, a lifestyle, recipe and devotional blog, and author of several e-books and courses on food, and hospitality, and living a vibrant life in Jesus. With great joy and preaching to her own heart, she encourages women to open their hearts and homes to God and others, living as salt and light right where they are.

Angela will be lovingly and thoughtfully creating the menu and preparing the food for our retreat. She is gifted at making healthy food taste delicious, and we're thrilled that she's coming back to this retreat to cook for us!


Our Photographer, Naomi Figueroa

Naomi Figueroa is the writer and photographer behind the travel blog Roaming the Americas. She also happens to be Esther's sister. She is passionate about authentic travel and meaningful experiences, and her photography exemplifies the thought she puts into these endeavors.

Naomi will be joining as a die-hard Mainer (even though she was born in Pennsylvania and lives in Connecticut) as well as our "behind-the-scenes" photographer. She will also happily provide tips for anyone wanting to explore the inland parts of Maine (she's more of a mountains and lake kind of gal rather than the ocean). - All Rights Reserved - Terms & Conditions